The Book I’m Reading : The Last Kestrel by Jill McGivering

Currently, I am in the process of reading “The Last Kestrel” by Jill McGivering.  This is one of those rare books that has captured me into its setting. I feel like I have come to know these characters quickly and have found myself wanting to reach out to help them.  Based in Afghanistan, this story follows two separate women who are on a mission to protect the honour of men that they love.   One of the women is a reporter named Ellen Thomas, who received news that her interpreter was killed under mysterious circumstances.  He left his family with little way to survive in a land that was being ravaged by violence and war.  The other woman, Hasina, is considered to be a diamond in the rough. In Afghanistan, a country where people submit through suicide bombings in the name of Allah,  Hasina refused to give up hope that her son could escape this way of life.  Fighting to protect, lead, hide, and survive these women represent two of the bravest people I have ever read about.

I have not finished this book so please don’t tell me what happens yet! 🙂  I just wanted to let you know that you will have a hard time putting this one down.  It’s one thing to hear about suicide bombings, war in Afghanistan, the Taliban, etc. It’s entire nother to read about  a womans perspective on their beloved land and fight for survival within it.

Book can be found here

The Last Kestrel

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