Recipe Fail and Do You Have Grocery Saving Tips?

Ok so I just made a recipe off pinterest. It was called “Pumpkin Pie Yogurt” and looked like this:

pumpkin fail

However, it tasted like this:

cat throw up

Does anyone else have this frustration with Pinterest? Don’t get me wrong I love the website and they can’t know which recipes are good and bad on there but damn… thank goodness that recipe did not cost me much money~!  It was bitter…so much so that I tried adding some splenda to it which made it have a weird after taste. Definitely NOT sweet and NOT like pumpkin pie! It went in my FAILED RECIPES folder 😦  Not all the recipes on my page I have tried yet. If you try something and it is not good PLEASE let me know!

Oh and if you like to get a laugh out of ideas that have FAILED check out: (fail etsy products)

This squiggle drawing below is going for $3o on Etsy!!!! There are 7 in the series….all altered lines that are a bit different than the last. For those interested there is an option to purchase the whole set hahhahahahahahahah

I’m sorry…. if this works muchos props to that person. Seriously im about to get my sharpie and make some designs with little dots and put that shit up ASAP on etsy.

art (fail pinterest ideas)

So we went to Walmart, land of the slow and inconsiderate people that like to stop their buggies in the middle of an aisle as they stare off into space or have a conversation.  Anyway, they have the cheapest stuff where I live. My husband and I get enough for two recipes, a few snacks, fruit, OJ…his total is in the $60’s and mind in the $50’s . We try to split the bill up so it’s not so expensive. It’s around $11o for us to eat for one week..for 2 people. Does this seem expensive? How much do YOU spend on groceries a week if you don’t mind me asking? I know people are doing all this stuff with coupons and I will use one here and there but I have certain brands I like..and generally..healthy food coupons do not exist. Or maybe I am just not finding them if they do!?

4 thoughts on “Recipe Fail and Do You Have Grocery Saving Tips?

  1. Groceries have really gone up quite a bit in the last 6 months or so – especially meat and produce…I can’t believe my bill sometimes! I buy for the 4 of us, but my bill varies depending on what recipes I want to try. I feel like your total seems kind of high for the 2 of you though. For me, meal planning has helped because I don’t just buy random stuff. Of course, there are impulse buys in the cart, but as far as meals I stick to the “menu”. I would think that Walmart would have good prices, but sometimes the grocery stores have good sales where the prices could be even better. Good luck!

    1. Thanks so much for your response! I’m trying to “double” our recipes now so that they last longer but I know all in all that is more expensive to do that. I really need to focus on finding affordable recipes that are yummy. Sometimes I will try things you know and it doesn’t even taste good enough to eat. That is always super frustrating because it’s money down the toilet. I’m going to be careful to about those impulse buys! I hate how they have those things next to the register so before I know if I’ve gotten a dish towel, some gum, and possibly a magazne that I did not need at that very moment lol. Thanks for stopping by!

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