How do you organize your life?

Hello Friends!


Happy 4th of July.

To my friends, family, and those who I have yet to meet- Thank you so much for your dedication and sacrifice.  It’s because of  you that we continue to live in a free country.


I was hoping some of you could share  your office organization tips with me.  I feel like I have papers, books, random coupons, etc everywhere. I’m trying to figure out the best way to organize where I can actually locate some things in my house! As for the kitchen, I saw something similar to the picture below in a persons house that I gave childcare to the other night. It looks really good and crazy organized!! If you love mason jars you will probably appreciate!

mason jars

Except the family used “chalkboard labels”  that can be found on the Etsy link below:

Chalkboard Labels

I definitely want to do this soon!

Also, a mini update:

I’ve decided to start helping someone locally with their pet sitting business as a job to do on the side this summer while I go to school. I see some pet photographs in my future! So far, it sounds like this is going to be a really low stress job. God knows I need one of those…..    Also, my school loan check FINALLY came in. As much as I want to rush to Target and go on a spending spree, I sadly must resist this urge. Trying to figure out what I “need” right now is a really big challenge. I KNOW that I need a laptop. Unsure what an reasonable amount to spend on one is though….. Advice?

I’m going to try out this Etsy store thing too soon. I have to order mailers and plastic covering for my photographs. I will post about that when it’s up. Thanks for all of the wonderful comments that I have been getting. ❤